So, this is my blog...ever since I was first diagnosed with cancer last year people have been suggesting that I start a blog to post information on my health, vent, or whatever, and I have been resistant to do so. I think mostly because I just wanted to get through the whole cancer thing without it affecting my life forever, or without making a permanent record of it, or something like that. I realize now, however, after being diagnosed with a relapse...that this will undoubtedly affect me forever, and become a part of who I am, and I think that's ok now. The title of the blog is "con limón y sal"....a throw back to my life in Mexico for several reasons....1) In Mexico you put lime and salt on nearly everything you eat...salad, fruit, chips, tacos....and it's delicious and tart and very Mexican...2) If lime and salt get into a cut or a wound you might have (ie - first diagnosis, treatment, recovery) it hurts a lot...kinda like relapse does... 3) Julieta Venegas ha...
SCt sista. ;) Just wanted to send some love your way and congratulate you for finishing the drugs of cycle one.
You should be incredibly proud of yourself. Hope Luis is spoiling you rotten.
Get out of bed. Drink lots of fluids, Walk, shower, repeat.
Knock it down one day at a time cupcake, we're all cheering you on.
les mandamos muchos abrazos y besos desde guanajuatito, ya saben que aqui tienen a dos exvecinos que siempre seran sus vecinos, los queremos y les mandamos las mejores vibras...
Animo y pa´arriba siempre!!!
con mucho cariño
tito, lulu y ebebe
tito y lulù